Board of Governors Appoints Pipeline Task Force To Consider Alternative Pathway to Licensure

February 12, 2025

At the December meeting, the Board of Governors approved the formation of a task force to consider an alternative pathway to licensure.

Degree completions in accounting have steadily declined over the past ten years. Studies have shown that the time and cost of the 150-hour requirement for CPA licensure is among the top reasons that students do not select accounting as a major. To combat the decline, states across the country are having conversations on alternative pathways to licensure. In January, Ohio became the first state to pass legislation. While the 150-credit hours rule will remain an option, effective January 1, 2026, two pathways to CPA licensure in Ohio will be available:

•A bachelor’s degree, with an accounting concentration, passing the CPA exam, and two years of experience.
•A master’s degree, with an accounting concentration, passing the CPA exam, and one year of experience.

Several other states also have similar active legislation in process now or plan to have legislation filed in 2025, including the population dense states of California, Florida, and Texas. Others plan to take action in 2026 and 2027.

AICPA and the National Association of State Boards (NASBA) proposed a competency-based pathway option for licensure. As previously reported in the September Newsletter, the comments were received until December 6. Attaining the competencies is expected to take most candidates a year, but there is flexibility in the timing for completion. Candidates would also be required to complete a separate year of general experience and pass the CPA exam. Competencies would be verified in the workplace by licensed CPAs.

Mobility has been front and center in the discussions as states change their pathways to licensure on their own. Ohio and several other states included automatic mobility in their legislation but with safeguards, such as requiring a CPA seeking to work in their state to hold a valid CPA license in their home state, obtained a bachelor’s or higher degree, completed an education program with an accounting or business concentration, and passed all parts of the CPA exam.

The MSCPA task force is charged with bringing a report to the August 2025 Board meeting. This will allow time to solicit comments, study legislation of other states (especially our border and close states), and to seek advice from the Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy. If legislation is suggested, a bill can be drafted in the fall for the 2026 Legislative session. Chairman Tom Walker appointed the following members to the task force: Ed Jones, Chairman (MSCPA State Board Liaison), Wil Crawford (Forvis Mazars), Blaise Sonnier (University of Southern Mississippi), Cheryl Sykes (AICPA Council Representative), Anita Goodrum (MSCPA Chair-Elect), and Ex Officio Karen Moody (President/CEO).

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