
Legislative Activities

The MSCPA PAC is a non-partisan committee comprised of CPAs who uphold the political voice of the CPA profession. By combining financial resources, the PAC is able to leverage its impact for positive results. The MSCPA PAC pools members contributions and contributes funds to friendly state legislators and candidates who support CPA and business interests and encourages and supports our own CPAs as political candidates.

The MSCPA's Legislation Committee closely monitors legislation and state agency proposals to determine their impact upon the profession.

Liaison Meetings

The Taxation Committee of the MSCPA has accepted the responsibility of liaison with the IRS and the State Tax Commission and meets regularly with both taxing authorities. MSCPA members are encouraged to submit topics and problems for consideration. The liaison group discusses, reviews and suggests possible solutions to these problems.


Contributions or gifts to the MSCPA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Dues payments are deductible by members as an ordinary and necessary business expense. However, MSCPA has determined that 5% of your dues are attributable to lobbying activities and are non-deductible.