
Enter your e-mail address to either join the MSCPA or create a guest account, then select your category below.

Certified for 3 years or more

A CPA earning any fee from public practice in Mississippi and holding original CPA certificate 3 years or more.

Annual rates start at $220.00

Certified less than 3 years

A CPA earning any fee from public practice in Mississippi and holding original CPA certificate less than 3 years.

Annual rates start at $180.00

Not in Public Practice

Any CPA employed in Mississippi who is not engaged in any public practice.

Annual rates start at $185.00


Non-resident CPA who resides and works outside of Mississippi.

Annual rates start at $130.00


Non-CPA or inactive CPA who is not employed full-time.

Annual rates start at $115.00


CPA earning no fee and has reached the age of retirement.

Annual rates start at $50.00


College or university students in a program of learning leading to qualification to sit for the CPA exam.

Annual rates start at $0.00

Life Member

MSCPA member or affiliate with 40+ consecutive years of membership or involvement.

Annual rates start at $0.00
