2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

K2's 2024 Time To Advance Automation - Strategies And Tools For Efficiency

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Monday, December 9, 2024 @ 3:00pm 5:00pm
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Increasingly, automating business processes is a necessity. In this session, you will learn about real-world examples of automating business processes. Remember, the survival of your business might depend upon successful automation!


Fundamental understanding of basic business technologies


  • Advanced Automation Strategies: Best practices for starting or enhancing your automation journey
  • Key Tools for Automation: Exploring the latest features in Zoho, Zapier, Microsoft, and other tools
  • Practical Automation in Finance: Automating tasks in accounts payable, banking, and approval workflows
  • Navigating Common Pitfalls: Identifying and avoiding typical obstacles in automation projects


  • Outline the primary benefits of advanced automation in business processes
  • Select appropriate automation tools for data extraction and transformation
  • Identify Microsoft 365 plans and other tools that offer powerful automation capabilities like Power Automate
  • Compare and contrast the functionalities and applications of Power Automate and Zapier
  • Recognize business tasks that are prime candidates for automation




Category Amount
General 2.00