2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Are You Ready for Your Peer Review?

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024 @ 12:00pm 3:00pm
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Be ready for your Peer Review!
The peer review process is a productive way to undertake practice monitoring, verifying the quality of your firm's practice and protecting the public interest.

Gain a tighter grasp on the overall peer review process and learn what you can do to fully prepare for your triennial review.

This webcast will help you: -Understand and compare the system and engagement review processes -Address recently issued peer review guidance and quality control requirements -Understand how both guidance and requirements affect your firm

You'll also unearth the most frequent areas of professional standard noncompliance and how you can sidestep them far before your review is due.

Participants will take away from this session the resources and tools needed to help their firm enhance the quality of their peer review.


A fundamental knowledge of performing A&A engagements and peer review


Peer review process and timeline. Quality control standards overview. Enhancing Audit Quality initiatives. Common issues identified in peer review and how to prevent them Best practices to prepare for your firm's peer review Peer Review resources and tools


  • Identify the steps included in the peer-review process
  • Determine ways to prepare for your peer review
  • Identify ways to get value from your peer review
  • Determine common areas of noncompliance with professional standards


Category Amount
Accounting&Auditing 1.50
General 1.50