2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Risk Is Increasing - and Risk Management Is Evolving

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024 @ 1:00pm 2:00pm
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Tools for Risk Management
A key to an effective risk management process is to move from the historic silo-based approach to an enterprise-wide approach. During this webcast, you will learn:

Increased risks for organizations, including technology and cyber risks
The use of a risk readiness assessment to identify management's current state regarding risk management The importance of retaining talent and updating your business model Findings from executive surveys that identify potential risks


Familiarity with enterprise risk management concepts and best practices.


Risk management Value stream and Plus/Delta techniques Cyber risks Black Swan events


  • Determine the trends shaping risk and risk management
  • Apply the new enterprise-wide perspective in risk management


Category Amount
General 1.00