2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

ChatGPT and Advanced Financial Analysis for Accountants

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Thursday, August 29, 2024 @ 9:30am 11:30am
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This course provides a concise overview of how to utilize ChatGPT for advanced financial analysis in accounting. The session reveals how to combine sophisticated evaluation and interpretation of financial data with the cutting-edge AI capabilities of ChatGPT. Aimed at enhancing the understanding of an entity's performance, predicting future financial health, and aiding in informed business decision-making, this course goes beyond basic financial statement analysis to include a wide array of techniques and tools. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.




The major topics that will be covered in this course include:

  • Financial Modeling with ChatGPT Integration
  • Advanced Ratio Analysis Techniques
  • Risk Assessment and Scenario Analysis
  • Valuation Methods and ChatGPT Applications
  • Utilizing Performance Metrics in Financial Analysis
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation with AI
  • Investment Analysis Enhanced by ChatGPT


After attending this presentation you will be able to...

  • Indicate ChatGPT to enhance financial modeling techniques.
  • Analyze financial ratios using advanced methods for better comparison.
  • Distinguish various financial risks through detailed scenario analysis.
  • Apply ChatGPT in advanced valuation techniques.
  • Distinguish sophisticated performance metrics for operational insights.
  • Apply AI for effective data analysis and interpretation in finance.
  • Use in-depth investment analysis using AI-enhanced tools.




Category Amount
General 2.00