2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Teaching CPAs to be Better Thinkers 2024

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025 @ 12:00pm 2:00pm
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An essential class for those who routinely face complex, high-value decisions in high-stress environments, including CEOs and CFOs, first responders and surgical teams, policymakers, auditors, or investigators. This class takes you beyond critical thinking and teaches you how to use your cognitive strengths to develop a thinking system-powerful cognitive tools that enable better thinking under pressure, deep-structure insights for powerful problem-solving abilities and highly effective communication when it counts, all while building ongoing mental wellness for clarity and avoiding burnout. Learn how to audit your thinking, synthesize your ideas and achieve clarity under pressure. The tools you learn will benefit all areas of your life. You will be a more flexible, adaptable, creative, resilient and confident thinker.




• How to develop a thinking system • Understanding complex problem structures • Conducting a thinking audit • Skeptical reasoning • Systems thinking • Understanding memory


• Recognize thinking approaches to improve emotional reactivity • Determine "First Principles Thinking" methods • Identify three decision-making biases that diminish thinking quality




Category Amount
Personal Development 2.00