2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

International Taxation 2024

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ 12:00pm 2:00pm
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The tax consequences of a cross-border transaction can make or break any deal-and CPAs must know the basics and be aware of the traps. Get an introduction to the US taxation of cross-border transactions, focusing on taxation of foreigners investing in the US. Topics will cover: the basics of tax treaties, residency tests, effectively connected income, FDAP withholding, FIRPTA withholding, branch profits tax, ownership structures for non-resident aliens, gift and estate tax planning for foreign investors and pre-immigration income and estate tax planning. Limited discussion of taxation of outbound transactions, focusing on CFCs.


Completion of an introductory course on international taxation or working knowledge of international tax rules.


• Income tax treaties • Residence tests • Effectively connected income • FDAP and FIRPTA withholding • Avoiding transfer taxation of foreign investors • Pre-immigration tax planning


• Identify tax issues present in cross-border business transactions and investments • Determine how to plan for and around international tax issues




Category Amount
Taxation 2.00