2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

How to Respond to Upsetting or Critical Email 2024

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Monday, November 18, 2024 @ 1:00pm 2:00pm
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It's happened to all of us. We open our inbox in a calm frame of mind, and then, Pow! We read an email that sets our blood boiling. Whether the email is critical, insulting, or just plain upsetting, we feel shaken and tempted to bite back. In this program, you will learn strategies for dealing with upsetting emails to keep cool and retain relationships. We will review the process of responding (or not responding) to the email and tips about managing our emotions.




• Business communication
• Emotional intelligence • Human resources • Practice management


• Identify the core principles of responding to upsetting emails • Analyze the motivations of the writer of an upsetting email • Master a four-step process for responding appropriately to a critical email • Know when not to respond • Learn tools for mastering the feelings that an upsetting email evokes




Category Amount
General 1.00