2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Corporate Income Tax Return Fundamentals 2024

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Thursday, November 14, 2024 @ 10:00am 5:30pm
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Preparing corporate income taxes requires a shift in mindset from individual tax preparation and compliance. Learn the concepts and tools necessary to support clients or businesses. Key topics include capitalization, depreciation, carrybacks and major book-to-tax issues involving corporations and Form 1120 preparation. Examine practical spreadsheet approaches that allow practitioners to efficiently and effectively manage book vs. tax differences (M-1 or M-3 items). Cover the impact of new tax law changes with ideas for client consideration. Additionally, dive into a complex corporate return case study, including a discussion of identifying book-to-tax differences and self-review tips. Discuss certain elections and a brief overview of mergers and acquisition issues. Focused on concepts with the presentation in the return, not how to input in return.




• Corporate structure entity choice comparisons • Form 1120 and Schedule M-1 or M-3 • Items for book-tax differences • Tax accounting methods • Uniform capitalization rules, overview • Minor discussion on depreciation: capitalization, gain, loss and recapture • Carrybacks, carryforwards and credit • Case Study and presentation in return • Mergers and Acquisitions impact on the returns


• Understand new tax law and possible opportunities with clients • Identify substantive tax issues involving regular corporations • Recognize and identify book to tax differences • Recognize gains and losses, Form 4797 and Secs. 1231, 1239, 1245, 1250 and 291 • Determine a workpaper format and approach to efficiently prepare corporate Form 1120 • Identify major corporate tax forms, including Form 1120 and related schedules • Outline necessary steps to complete a complex sample corporate Form 1120, including workpapers and schedules • Review case studies throughout the day and how presented in return • Discuss certain elections • A brief overview of issues associated with mergers and acquisitions




Category Amount
Taxation 8.00