2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Form 1041 Advanced Series Part 1: Why Complex Trusts are Complicated 2024

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Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 10:00am 12:00pm
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The first course in a four-part series, fiduciary accounting and taxation field, has transitioned over the past several years with updated rules and the increased tax cost of accumulating income in a non-grantor trust. The changes in the income tax rate structure at the federal and state levels have pulled income tax planning forward as a prime objective for estate planners. The rules and understanding of fiduciary accounting continue to be in a state of development and challenge. It is an understatement to say that fiduciary accounting and taxation have entered a new and very different phase of complexity and change. We will explore many of these issues in Parts 1-4 of Form 1041 Workshop.


An understanding of the basics of Form 1041, fiduciary accounting and taxation.


• How to Identify a Complex Trust and the Complications that Arise with Complex Trusts • The Importance of Recognizing the Tier System used by Complex Trusts • The Advantages and Requirements of the 65-day Rule • Special Issues Related to the Charitable Contribution Deduction • Use of a Checklist for Complex Trusts


• Determine and review how complicated complex trust can be difficult • Recognize provisions in a trust document that result in complex trust treatment • Identify and recognize the tax cost of accumulating taxable income in a trust • Identify special issues relating to complex trusts




Category Amount
Taxation 2.00