2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Form 706 Preparation Part 3: Reporting Deductions 2024

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Wednesday, October 30, 2024 @ 12:00pm 2:00pm
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This section of the 4-part series will cover fundamentals of Form 706 with numerous examples of how to properly report deductions on the estate tax return, including the marital and charitable deductions.


Completion of Form 706 Preparation Parts 1 and 2


• How to report funeral and administrative expenses on Schedule J and/or L • How to report debts, mortgages and liens on Schedule K • Marital deduction and elections, QTIP, Reverse QTIP, QDOT, over-stated marital deductions • Charitable deduction Schedule O and potential problems


• Determine the proper schedule for and reporting of deductions • Recognize protective and perfected refund claims with estate tax • Identify potential audit issues relative to deductions on 706




Category Amount
Taxation 2.00