2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

K2's Collaboration - Portals, Payments, And Signatures

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024 @ 1:00pm 3:00pm
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Demands for an excellent user experience are at an all-time high. But how do you solve for easy collaboration, compliance, and workflow? What features do you need to be effective? How do you integrate payments, eSignatures, and other technologies to make interaction convenient? This session will explain the necessary features, provide an overview of the best technologies for collaboration, and help you think through how to solve your business problems. You'll learn about the options available from client portals, workflow management, payments, eSignatures, and more. Attend this session and arm yourself with the tools you need to succeed!




• Portals as collaboration enablement • Learn about payment options you can integrate into your portal • Leave with a checklist of features to consider for collaboration


• Identify portal products that fit your needs • Differentiate between vendor options for payment processes • List examples of eSignature needs and features




Category Amount
General 2.00