2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

The Art of the Interview 2024

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 12:00pm 2:00pm
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Conversations that expose truths, clarify beliefs, and uncover the underlying nature of events are amongst the most crucial interactions we can have. These communications offer a fleeting opportunity to recognize themes as they unfold and to ask the best questions that glean valuable knowledge. Whether interviewing for investigation, as part of an exploration or information-gathering process, or hiring for a critical role, the interpersonal style that you employ will make all the difference in your success. This session will teach attendees the nuances of an effective tone, how to ask questions that yield meaningful results, how to read important interpersonal cues, and how to adapt to different cultures or contexts. Attendees will leave the session armed with tools from the latest behavioral research to conduct successful information-gathering interviews.




• Behavioral cues as psychological markers • The psychology of baseline behavior • The hidden secrets behind rapport-building • Attributional interviewing


• Determine appropriate questioning techniques • Identify the nuances of conflict vs. confrontation • Understand adapting methods to match different contexts and cultures




Category Amount
Accounting&Auditing 2.00