2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Tax Practitioner's Guide to Accounting and Reporting Issues 2024

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024 @ 10:00am 5:30pm
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This course approaches financial statement preparation and review from a tax practitioner's perspective. Often tax motivated clients have different needs concerning financial statements. Topics in the program are:




• SSARS review • FASB Update • SPF-measurement and reporting issues • Preparation, compilation and review engagements • Selected litigation issues and cases


• Identify differences between U.S. GAAP requirements and the tax return • Recognize problems in performance and documenting of preparations, compilations, and reviews • Apply accounting standards and appropriate disclosure • Be able to compare and contrast tax returns and tax basis financial statements • Know US GAAP versus tax differences and disclosure requirements • Tax and other special purpose financial statement frameworks • Reporting requirements for SSARS engagements • Recent changes to GAAP that affect closely held businesses • Frequently encountered reporting and performance issues by tax practitioners




Category Amount
Accounting&Auditing 8.00