2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

Defending Your Workplace Culture: Tackling the 4 Biggest Threats to Your Team Engagement and Cohesion

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Saturday, November 2, 2024 @ 10:00am 11:04am
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In today's dynamic business environment, preserving a unified and engaged team culture is more challenging than ever. As the rhythm of work accelerates and organizational structures evolve, silent threats can begin to undermine our established team dynamics. These undercurrents, if left unaddressed, can erode morale, dampen productivity, and weaken the team's cohesion. This session offers a deep dive into strategies that can help identify, address, and neutralize these challenges, ensuring a positive, resilient, and inclusive workplace culture. Attendees will be equipped with a blend of insights and actionable strategies, enabling them to both recognize and respond to these potential pitfalls.




  • Workplace Culture
  • Team Culture
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Experience
  • Communication
  • Leadership


  • Learn the often overlooked internal dynamics that can diminish individual and team clarity, leading to decreased engagement and productivity
  • Explore tools and strategies to counteract factors that contribute to team exhaustion and create an environment where team members feel secure in expressing their thoughts and concerns
  • Embrace methodologies that foster a culture where contributions are acknowledged and celebrated, reinforcing team cohesion and a sense of value




Category Amount
General 1.00