2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

The Ethics Hour: The Single Best and Most Overlooked Source of Fraud

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Saturday, August 10, 2024 @ 11:00am 12:06pm
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We encounter pressure from many varied sources every day. We will focus on one of the more overlooked areas where fraud can be found.  Employees respond to pressure, and sometime the pressure leads to unethical actions. Where should you look and what should you look for? Risk assessment is not something ‘nice to do’, but it is required for internal audits, external audits, and every leader. If you are in a leadership position, learn where to look?


At least six (6) months of professional financial statement analysis experience.


  • One key area to look for fraud?
    • It is right in front of you, but some auditors fail to see it
    • Recognize the signals
    • Look for those who exploit or and game the system(s)


  • To gain a deeper understanding of one key area to look for fraud




Category Amount
Ethics 1.00