2024 MSCPA Annual Convention: Details

2024 White-Collar Crime: What Every CPA Should Know

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Monday, August 5, 2024 @ 11:00am 12:45pm
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According to the FBI, “white-collar crime is … synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals … characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust …. The motivation behind these crimes is financial—to obtain or avoid losing money, property, or services or to secure a personal or business advantage.”  CPAs can and should play a crucial role in preventing and detecting white-collar crime, as well as in prosecuting the perpetrators.  This session will explore whether we are up to this challenge, heighten awareness regarding the CPA’s role as a front-line defender of the public interest, and assess whether we are deserving of the public trust we enjoy.




  • Definitions of white-collar crime
  • White-collar crime characteristics and statistics
  • The CPA’s role in combating white-collar crime


  • What white collar crime is
  • Nature and characteristics of white-collar crime
  • Why CPAs play a key role in combating white-collar crime
  • Recent, high-profile white-collar crime cases




Category Amount
Accounting&Auditing 2.00